Title: Why women criticise sexualised character designs (READ OP)
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Ignoring thread guidelines, arguing in bad faith, inflammatory comparisons characterizing criticism of sexualization as anti-sex indoctrination, account still in junior phase
That sounds like a fallacy. We don't do that because they were easiest ways to satisfy the food needs that let us create a surplus of food with less and less risky work. But the natural things are still there, we still eat food, drink water, we feel fear, our body reacts when feels danger, we feel reproduction needs, we have preferences based on primitive and unnoticed traits, etc, Those things didn't change just a little bit from when we become a civilization. We spent millions of years as animals developing these stuff, not 5000 years. It's not a society convention that men like women and vice-versa. We can try to create humans that repudiate sex via indoctrination, but I don't see that as a solution and that focus would create mental ill people.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10011904/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/8oJWO