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iamthatiam (10030962)

Title: DF: Spider-Man PS4 Pro Early Analysis - Insomniac's New Tech Showcase

Reason: User Banned (3 days) - Bad faith and hostility across multiple topics

Oh yeah I forgot. Sony games are beyond criticism and analysis because their fans simply cant handle or bear it. Darn it, should have remembered, I can only post in DF threads that are not a sony game. I was doing good by posting in the last couple DF threads that weren't sony. But I dun goofed posting in this one. Thank you for reminding me. Such an un bias gaming forum you got going here resetera. Very fair and balanced, up there with fox news. How dare people question statements like "best looking game of all time", "cg quality", "realism to the next level", "generation ahead of the competition" that gets thrown around very easily. Besides I should avoid sony DF threads since I actually have a job as a lead senior software engineer (9-5 with weekend prod deployments) then a life after work. My free times are spent playing basketball, traveling, and hanging out with friends. The other little time left are spent on my hobbies in game engine and graphics research. But why in the world would I spend that little time trying to please apparent toxic users of this forum? Therefore I will take my sweet time and work on things as I desire and showcase it when and if I feel like it, Thank you very much. If you don't like it, so be it

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