Title: Talim Revealed for SOULCALIBUR VI
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Concern trolling on the subject of underage sexualization, inappropriate accusations towards other users.
Please! Would a nun robe suffice? The guy is right. Get out more and you’ll see this is a tame outfit. I’m not feelin how all y’all are seeing this costume in a sexual way. You say thong but I see underpants. You say underboob, but i see cloth covering underdeveloped chest. You would be amazed at how little girls dress but you are probably clueless regarding children. It’s disrespectful to assume the artist is some kind of pedophile. If some are not seeing it and some of you are, it’s clear one side has a problem... I feel some of you are ashamed someone might see you play a character like Talim or Ivy and label you a perv or something.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10067573/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/dk8cG