Title: "Octopath Traveler has been developed as a spiritual successor of FFVI" Takahashi-san
Reason: User Banned (2 Days): Trolling + Driving a derailment over the price of a game
a $20000 luxury designer bag isnt exactly a widely available commercial product. Its a luxury good thats treated differently in economics. Theres also nothing different in the posts about the pricing compared to those omg so hype, i love this game blah blah, other than you seem to disagree with the former. Neither are substantial enough to start new topics. But in any case , no point further discussing this since the special kids are here. i mean i swear to god theres like 3 games a year tops that happen to be nintendo exclusives that i even bother to discuss here and posters specifically like you make me regret it instantly. did i say all snes rpgs look identical to octopath ?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10087584/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/0mdJh