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Ubiblu (10141184)

Title: Can someone explain the legality of Raspberry Pi retro consoles to me?

Reason: User warned: Advocating piracy

I’d like to think that most games you can play on a RetroPi are victimless, except of course the ones clearly exploiting nostalgia and being unfairly and exhorbinantly priced for Switch (Wild Guns and SF Collection come to mind). I modded my NES/SNES Classics and have full rom sets on various RetroPi devices that I have made for friends and family. The vitriol against the seller in OPs post seems really excessive to me. Piracy is a reality of life, and ideally should act as a precursor to legal alternatives being introduced (like the Classic Consoles). I dunno. Maybe my moral compass is skewed in my cynical old age, but this feels like a thread that doesn’t need to exist in 2018. Building RetroPi Images is practically an art form these days: my ethical position is quite comfortable with the practice, much to the apparent disgust of OP and the other virtuous IP Warriors.

Link: (legacy):