Title: Black Panther and the Importance of Inclusion
Reason: User warned: For disingenuous arguments and derailment
So, you think insane black leader who talks about black people who was oppressed, and how it ends now, and oppressors and would suffer, gives a shit about north koreans? He very clearly talks about black people, who had no chance until magical vibranium. Yes, T'Chakku, forgive me my mistake. You can relate or connect to villain as long as you want, but I think there must be some line where people say "ok, he was insane of course, but that ocean quote was really powerful to me on personal level" - I can understand that. Instead there are tons of people who saying that "Killmonger was right". I'm talking about that. Now, if that answer was good enough, please read thread I linked in previous post and tell me if someone want to kill me irl.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10163803/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/H4Zbl