Title: Why PC monthly subs are WAY better than PS+ and Xbox Gold?
Reason: User Warned: System Wars
I think i'll start a thread... "why on PC don't you have a unified friends/library/store where you buy everything, see what everyone is doing, party up with friends and voice chat, and it all just updates seamlessly, and as a bonus you get a bunch of free, sometimes pretty premium/expensive games per year. All this without maintaining or launching a litany of different libraries, shops, communication apps, WHY. Why am I dicking about with windows updates, graphics card drivers, steam, origin, battle.net, discord, various in game chat implementations, humble subscription, twitch prime, and various other shit, I'm also amassing a giant collection of crappy indy games I will never play"
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10186268/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/MLTUP