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kruis (10205235)

Title: Germany's far-right AFD would be second largest party in newest poll

Reason: User Banned (3 Days): A pattern of inflammatory generalizations about immigrants and asylum-seekers

If people are really fleeing a war they would have been relieved to stay in the first safe country on their travels. But in this case we see people traveling thousands of miles across multiple country borders to reach the European countries with the most generous welfare programs. What we're seeing is not desperate people fleeing war, but asylum seekers in safe countries who see an opportunity to emigrate to western/northern Europe, and economic migrants who think they can make use of the immigration chaos to stay in Europe under false pretenses. Most of these people, both actual asylum seekers and economic migrants, are unemployable in modern European societies because they lack education and diplomas. These people are a huge burden on our welfare system and it will get worse the more people arrive. Far better to financially support solutions that allow real war refugees to find shelter in neighboring countries. Economic migrants should be returned to their home countries as fast as possible.

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