Title: NPD Blog: Switch Will Be Highest Selling Console This Year in US, Red Dead 2 Top Selling Game
Reason: User Banned (2 days): Console warrior nonsense
You're in the business of getting people to click on your site and generate discussion with these prediction articles, and predicting "continued dominance by PS4" just doesn't move the needle. This Switch prediction has a BIT more credence - though it will also be flat out wrong - but your statement that the Xbox One could outsell the PS4 in 2017 based on Scorpio or metric, was just outright pandering and calls into question the entirety of these predictions. Yes they are just for fun, but the Xbox over PS4 prediction (who in their right mind would think such a thing for 2017? Maybe 2013/14 when much was unknown I'd see), imo proves there are times you are just trying to be provocative/entertaining, and not necessarily correct. My suspicion is that is the case here as well.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10233478/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/LYDc3