Title: Henry Cavill: Hesitant to date in fear of being called a rapist
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Downplaying sexism, thread whining, history of bigoted remarks.
I know I'm going to get banner for this, I don't really care. This forum has become a caricarure of Neogaf. Everything is related to fucking polĂtical correctness, social justice warrios, social media activists. This thread is an example of that, this has become ridiculous. Everything is us vs them, everything is black or white. Users are warned because they somehow "understand" Cavill's words (really?!) . If you don't post something politically correct you are warned or banned. You don't see ir because you all feel like the good guys, fighting for the good cause. But you are becoming the enemy and sooner or later you will see it. The funny thing is... Neogaf opened my eyes to social injustices, to understand minorities better, to be more empathic. I learned a lot, but since this places opened, slowly became a joke. And now thanks to a lot of some of you, I started to become tired is reading the same bullshit over and over again, "they are the bad guys, we are the good ones! BTW good job punching that person because he thinks different than us (remember, we are the good ones!). Cavill is dead to me! (See guys! I'm making social activism from my iphone!) What a joke.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10301510/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/KcXgj