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Loganclaws (10307538)

Title: Henry Cavill: Hesitant to date in fear of being called a rapist

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Reinforcing harmful narratives about women + accusing women of setting traps

It's getting really tiring to see the outrage on resetera, it's so one sided. Guy is obviously worried about being targeted since he's a celebrity. Maybe he could've phrased his concerns better, but he gets his point across. A lot of women do expect to be "chased" if they're interested in the guy, and him being in his position can be dangerous because any of these women can easily turn his flirting and his pursuit to something sinister by just posting a sentence or two on Twitter. Doesn't even matter if it's true or not, he'll be burned for it anyway. I seriously think Era needs to introduce a new rule banning drive-by outrage posts that don't contribute to any form of discussion.

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