published on

Danielsss (10307647)

Title: Russian bots are back: #WalkAway attack on Democrats is a likely Kremlin operation

Reason: User banned (permanent): troll account. Usage of alt-accounts.

Never seen so many desperate false flagging leftis. Hashstag was started by James Woods so you better let him know he is a russian spy -__- Popularized by a gay aspirant actor and New York hair dresser who then got attacked by the left base. Cross-sectional demographic support and even 4chan has decided to step back and let the hashtag organically run its course because it has such a big support. Salon&huffingpaint: "T..this hurts our democrat masters!!'s the Russians!!" So all of these video testimonies are actually Russian bots ? Yeah thought so, you democrat pr departments can let your political masters know that slander doesnt work anymore :P

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