Title: The controversial ArenaNet firings of Guild Wars 2 writers (READ OP)
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Ignoring Modpost by Vilifying Journalist + Inflammatory Derailment
So I didn't chose to weigh in on this until now because I feel like with the mods are being a little too one-sided in this (sorry mods but I really gotta disagree with some of these bans.) It is a shame that Fries got fired because all he really did was walk into the shooting range. He defended the wrong person for sure but he didn't do anything wrong himself, from what I have seen (and you can prove me wrong) but he wasn't toxic. what he deserved was to be pulled aside and have a quick convo about the situation. Price on the otherhand had a history of making mountains out of molehills and generally rudeness/toxicity. Regardless of whether or not Deroir was being sexist (I didn't see any evidence) you DO NOT treat your customers like that. Whatever you do on your public social media account should affect your professional career and given her previous record of toxicity I think her being fired is a harsh but fair conclusion to this story. This was something she did some time back: I know this was a while ago but its just proof of her history of toxicity. This is flat-out wrong behaviour. Its aggressive and it has no place for anyone who's job is to create because with creation becomes criticism and you have to deal with that and not snap like she did. This is a little off-topic now but I feel like I have to say this here. Mods, saying video game journalism coverage is bad is not a problem and personally it makes me a little sick that you are banning people for speaking out against them. Not to say that I agree or anything but the whole purpose of this kinda website is to voice opinions and you have to let that happen.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/10324028/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/KHMhX