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deathsaber (1228413)

Title: Why women criticise sexualised character designs (READ OP)

Reason: User warned: trolling and/or failure to read OP and follow moderator instructions

Look, I'm basically all about developer freedom, and the (paying) market dictates what gets made. Gaming is a for-profit, entertainment medium. Its not a social service. For the most part, things get made because there is an audience that wants and is willing to pay for a certain type of product Sorry guys, but I'm against telling any dev to not make that "fanservicey" game that's targeted towards a certain male audience because honestly, why should they be denied the product they like and would want to purchase? I'm sorry, but I don't get the "outrage" all the time, and all the calls for this to banned/changed/censored, etc. If you don't like the looks of a certain game, don't buy it. If enough people agree with you, the game will fail commercially and I promise no more games will be made like that. Yes, its as simple as that. Of course, there is also the chance that enough people will buy the game and make it a success. No, it didn't succeed because the devs "inflicted" the game on us, and the ignorant masses bought it, but because the game found an audience that supported the game because of what it was trying to do. You should accept that someone made a game for an audience that isn't necessarily yourself. Sorry, it happens. But, you say, females make up half the audience and there is not enough female centric games?- then ladies (or guys who feel strongly that our fellow sisters aren't getting a fair shake) get computer science degrees, learn programming, gets jobs at devs and change their demographics and overall culture, and ultimately work on getting more of what you want made, or make your own indie lablel and make the game that suits your own fancy. If it appeals, then people will buy it. If it doesn't then they won't. But honestly, standing around banging a drum against certain aspects of games you disagree and think shouldn't be made is pointless, and remember there always is another opinion. Spend time with the things you like, skip/avoid the things you don't. Its the key to happy gaming (and a happy life in general).

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