Title: Television Displays and Technology Thread: The ERA of OLED is Now
Reason: User has been warned: knock it off with the unnecessary aggressive behaviour towards other users and the TV-tech elitism.
nah you're more interested in arguing semantics and pushing your agenda. Indeed, people come here for advice and discussion. Good luck with correcting others and trying to sound smart though. You've done a wonderful job masking that with your recent posts. I won't be reading any more of it. Yea I just bought the 900E though. I might return it, I may keep it. Still need to do some research and exploring issues surrounding Dolby Vision and futureproofing. I certainly don't like the idea of having just spent $150 on a stand-alone Sony 4K player that won't do DV. There is a fine line between getting an entry-level 4K setup for ~$1200 and going overboard with overspending and future tech concerns, you know? I'm trying to find that delicate balance of a decent 4K setup that won't become instantly outdated or fail, causing remorse in a year. There's a lot to consider. I'm in this for the medium-long haul and cannot afford to make a mistake. I've definitely considered both the B7A and the 930E.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/J9Jt4