Title: Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris |OT| Guaranteed Lighthouse Run, $19.99
Reason: The user was warned for this post. The "lazy devs" rhetoric is incredibly toxic and dismissive, and therefore is frowned upon here.
Let's just be honest with ourselves. All bullshit, formality and misguided respect aside. Bungie is lazy. Period. With as many talented people they have, and the sheer number of staff they have on hand, plus all the external help they receive, with as much money they've pulled in from game sales, DLC and microtransactions, along with promises of an improved toolkit and development process and with all of the feedback and outcry from over the years, there's just zero, absolutely ZERO excuse for there to be even more re-skins, missions taking place in existing areas (like in Destiny 1) and just the overall shallowness of everything. The art is nice. The environments look cool, but that's about it. It's funny because I didn't expect much and had very low expectations, yet I still end up unsatisfied. I guess I was hoping that maybe they'll exhibit a spark of inspiration and a sense of nuance and depth. Nope. Instead, they do the bare minimum, knowing people like me will buy it. What a shame. So much potential, yet they seemingly just don't give a shit.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/1WZyT