Title: [LEAK] Massive Devil May Cry 5 Info (Potential heavy spoilers inside!)
Reason: User was banned (2 weeks): Derailing threads multiple times + Using SJW to insult users unironically multiple times
Confident. Not dead-set certain. That requires an official announcement specifically stating there's no such thing as DMCV. So even though I know it damn well in my gut, I'll never claim to be the be-all-end-all authority on the matter. And no, it DOESN'T make sense. Because they'll be banning him for the same reason as NOT banning everyone else: Getting duped and buying into it. There's also disregarding all his other contributions, both here and in the old black tar pit. It would be an incredibly, incredibly shitty thing to ban him over this. But then again.....I get banned on here myself because a demand for evidence and call for rational thinking goes against the "principles" of certain social justice warriors. But even in the face of that, I'll still say they won't ban him when this turns out to be false. He was duped same as the rest of everyone on here. Even I for about three hours thought it was genuinely a real thing. I mean....I even made a logo dude! Two of them! If from Itsuno specifically, then yes. But most everyone who NEEDS their action fix has a shitload of Bayonetta to look forward to next year. A whoooooole lot of people missed out on Bayonetta 2 because of......well, it was on the Wii U. So for a lot of us, it's gonna be a genuinely brand new stylish action experience!
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/2262384/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Lh1bF