Title: Amtrak train derails onto Interstate 5 between Tacoma and Olympia, WA
Reason: User warned for copy and pasting from a known fringe conspiracy site
They are blaming Antifa due to the raid on an Antifa headquarters just recently. Theyve supposedly been erecting structures or pouring cement on train lines to protest fracking. I dunno. "Police have raided an Antifa encampment in Olympia, Washington, following a train being sabotaged by anti-fracking activists — but the anarchists claiming credit for the act have vowed to continue until “every officer is down. The train was reportedly shorted using jumper cables, causing the train to stop. Since November 17, dozens of anarchists have been camping on the tracks to prevent trains from transporting fracking supplies from the Port of Olympia — however, railroad companies that there were no such shipments scheduled. On Wednesday, Union Pacific Railroad officers were met by 20 to 30 masked protesters as they cleared out the encampment and swept it for bombs. Four of the people who were camping on the tracks refused to leave and were subsequently arrested, as were eight others on suspicion of obstructing a law enforcement officer."
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/2270744/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/2wJAw