Title: French actress Catherine Deneuve slams post-Weinstein witch-hunt as attack on sexual freedom
Reason: User has been warned: downplaying of sexual harassment and mentioning a situation that should stay off the site. https://www.resetera.com/threads/a-word-about-neogaf.290/
I mean Neogaf got destroyed because of one of those extreme exemple. It was a facebook post about how the owner of the site was a overconfident jerk that entered a shower naked one time because he thought he could. The person who talked about it never wanted to make the name public, she later on said that she didn't want to hurt his career and that he was just an ex that was an asshole. And yet everything around him got destroyed. Now of course Malka was an asshole and handled the whole situation as poorly as he could so nothing of value was lost. But still, I think it was an exemple of how a MeToo post can become extremely viral and nefast when really it's more a private matter that should be resolved, well, privately.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/kwvgi