Title: Star Wars: The Last Jedi |OT3| The War is Just Beginning (Unmarked Spoilers)
Reason: User has been banned (3 days): unnecessariy hostile behaviour, usage and defense of inflammatory language. Has been warned for similar behaviour in this very thread before.
"This is just offensively idiotic" oh wait, idiot was used to denote people with an IQ under 70. and shit, comparing it to someone with such a weak brain that they're handicapped? how unPC. How can i denote how moro... du... wtf words can i use to describe that that weren't once used to describe certain people? I'm not going to change my vernacular just because you're thinking of it as its outdated term that is no longer used to refer to those type of people, thanks to their common usage to mean more than a specific condition. If i called a guy a retard, you'd have a point, but this is a descriptive word to show how lacking in logic that type of writing is and "lacking in logic" sounds robotic as fuck. There's a clear difference between using it as a "bad word" and using it the way i did. It's not a perojative.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/GiyMS