Title: Kingdom Come: Deliverance |OT| Bohemian Rhapsody
Reason: User has been banned (3 days): repeated thread whining. History of showing up in KC:D threads and complaining about people discussing the creator's politics.
I respect that mods allowed this discussion here but, sigh... There are like 4 threads already on this. It has been debated to death and then three more times over. What more could be gained from this? People on both sides said everything they possibly could in 10 different ways, there and back. Plus every single thread was completely derailed by this topic and ultimately locked. Once this starts eventually the entire thread collapses. It's a valid topic but it really should have its own thread, otherwise mods will keep creating new KCD threads and then locking them again.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/4471182/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/VkJP5