Title: Online dating as a POC kinda sucks
Reason: User Warned: Offensive racial generalisations
As an Indian guy it truly is hell, but I don't think racism has anything to do with it. Like I doubt many of the girls who claim to only like white guys on tinder or whatever would be swiping left on Zayn Malik or Toni Mahfud. The sad truth is that white men on average are just significantly better looking than men of any other race. Just step into any college campus and this becomes instantly evident. A better more realistic solution would be to have a government subsidized plastic surgery program for ethnic males. Getting an average ethnic male to surgically ascend his looks rating by two points might allow him to compete on a level playing field with the average white male. I know I'd be the first one to sign up.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/threads/online-dating-as-a-poc-kinda-sucks.24520/page-14#post-4842875
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/zARt5