Title: Microsoft Studios (& Partners) Current and Future Landscape
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Pushing unfounded concerns about diversity efforts.
Diversity is GOOD but NOT just for the sake of being diverse because doing this defeats the entire purpose of what you're trying to accomplish to begin with. For me, I care about if the person is qualified, skilled, talented, has experience and quite simply, knows what the fuck they're doing. As long as the person meets those requirements, I don't care if the person is male or female or what their race is at all. To me, it's all about what's most important in regards to creating and developing games and even in general. Being diverse isn't what's most important. If you have a completely diverse team but they lack in all the other areas, that not only defeats what you're trying to accomplish but also proves that you're being diverse just for the hell of it when those people aren't qualified to be in the position that they're in. To sum it up - Any and every studio for that matter can be all female, Black and/or Hispanic people or whatever. As long as they know what they're doing and meet the requirements that the job/position they're applying for is met, im perfectly good with it. As for Microsoft and Xbox One, I hope that Spencer's plan is NOT to make their games available on other platforms ala Minecraft but at times, it does sound and come across that way in regards to what their future planning is.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/NTaER