Title: Fortnite Crossplay XB1 - PS4 | Seems like the ball is in Sony's court ... Again - MOD EDIT: READ OP
Reason: User Warned: Personal attack.
You're literally acting as if you're paid by Sony to defend them, lmao. And then immediately throw an Xbox comparison instead of focus in the issue that is the thread about. We get it, you love your PS4. Everyone can see that, but you don't work for them, nor do they care about you in the slightest, as seen here. But yes, compare how the majority of people knowingly pay Xbox Live to play any online component game since the dawn of time, instead of giving said people more players to engage with it, while helping the developers and their game to stay healthier. If you're really worried about this paid feature, you would be saying the same to both companies and I would agree, but this is not the topic here, and I'm sure you're loving your paycheck. Pick a side, it's cringy but fun.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/5464742/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/l3EZ4