Title: 'Deadpool 2' Outscores Original in Test Screenings (98 out of 100) (MOD EDIT: Read OP)
Reason: User Banned (Two Days) for continuous backseat modding in the thread and harassing individual user.
There are... situations regarding this film that reshoots would help. Nothing with the actual quality of the film, mind you. Remember . Also, more people should read the : FWIW, I don't think that Weasel will be recast, at least not in this film. What I think it's possible is that this might be an opportunity to not make his role not as big as it once was. And as for "spoilers" that didn't came from official channels for a film that isn't even out yet, I really hope that people start to respect others that would like to go spoiler free. I don't care about people being "right", I care about not getting my experience spoiled because some are careless with how they handle spoilers, being either right or wrong. As for the reshoots: I haven't seen any trades or credible sources with a good track record reporting on it. This seems like moving goal posts to keep playing the "problematic production" narrative further, and I won't be given the time of the day for stuff like that. Reshoots happen ALL THE TIME for big productions. Discussing that is pointless, what I discuss is the actual final product and/or official information that come from promo material
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/5835143/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/ShNa2