Title: Jordan Peterson - The "Intellectual" We Deserve
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Sexist rhetoric, victim-blaming.
If you have proof that not wearing makeup and heels does not actually reduce the likelyhood of being a victim of sexual harassment, I would like to see it. I didn't say Peterson is expressing sincere concern, I said he is thinking about possible ways of solving the problem. The possibilities of coming up with a solution during an interview against a SJW are below zero, but that kind of thought process, if practiced with a few other intellectuals of different viewpoints, could help make advancements in the right direction. Also, women don't make dress codes, but if enough people works together, they can be changed anyway we want. I don't think he believes in women staying at home. But he does believe in women being happier and having a fuller life when they have children.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/trt1s