Title: No Man's Sky gets a new update in Summer called "Next"; coming to XB1, too
Reason: User Warned: Personal attack against a game developer.
Atleast XB1 gamers arent buying an outright lie and scam As someone who paid 60$ for it at launch, it’s definitely a better game now but still not good Fuck that liar though, still pissed he never came out and admitted the “features” were not gonna make it in at launch. It was all “wow never expected two players to meet up that soon”. A simple post mortem interview or statement about here’s what happened. Nothing. And yeah some of the extreme people would never take anything as good enough, but for those of us who just wanted a little honesty and transparency after parting with 60 of our hard earned dollars, would have gone a long way But apparently releasing content that was originally promised is now an admirable thing and better than other devs would have done so all is well Honestly the biggest scam wasn’t even the multiplayer. It was his whole “were not like other space games, our universe is vast and limitless and if you see it you can fly to it” No Sean, each system is it’s own puny little sandbox with a few planets. Surrounded by a fake ass skybox. You can never fly far enough to hit the sun or a star. And warping to other systems via light speed isn’t just a faster way... it’s the only way. And it’s trying to mask the fact your just loading in the next small sandbox, you can’t fly there naturally and it’s not all one vast connected universe Once that illusion is broken, trust me the game loses any and all immersion, makes you not care. It’s pointless
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/FVNRn