Title: Your controversial gaming opinions?
Reason: User Warned: Hostility + Personal Attacks
Making conclusory statements isn't an argument. Cinematic games are games that splice short cutscenes into the gameplay (momentarily taking away control from the player to show a short cutscene) and are generally set-piece driven. TLoU doesn't do the former as Uncharted does and how many set-pieces drive TLoU? I know, I know. It's easy to tell someone they're blind if they don't agree and just leave it at that. TLoU fits that bill. Now, if you're done posting snide responses that lack substance and are just meant to stroke your ego (god knows your real life "successes" aren't doing that for you), get out of this conversation.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/threads/your-controversial-gaming-opinions.938/page-91#post-6252036
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/o8fZt