Title: Sainsbury's to introduce 'touch-free' meat packaging cos' millennial's afraid of touching raw meat
Reason: User Warned : Off-topic generalisation based on "gender roles".
you can't deny how 'weak' (psychologically at least) the young seems to be these days though.....like what's up with big grown guys in their 20s shrieking at the sight of a cockroach or a house lizard? I know gender role is a 'open fluid' concept nowadays but still.......c'mon. They can't handle stress, they can't handle strenuous physical activities. They demand safespace but don't want to create it for themselves. They want to live their life based on what they want to be, not what it is.....such as this 'meat packaging' thing. (p.s. i am a millennial as well by the article definition)
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/8NGsE