Title: WSJ: Germany Struggles With an Unfamiliar Form of Anti-Semitism
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Inflammatory Derail
Deporting is pushing your problems on another country. You don't care about anything but your own country? Also a big issue is the lack of healthy discussion on this subject in Europe. Especially Germany and France where criticism on Israel is taboo. If a normal discussion is to be had then it is easier to convince people away from the radical. If the only people that don't scold you for what you see as an ethical stance are racists then you will mirror them. It is not me making that connection it is also pro-Israeli organisations (not to be confused with Jewish rights orgs, I applaud those) that jump on every opportunity to use (justified) outrage on anti semitic incidents to sneak in pro Israel policies. See the incident in Amsterdam after which political parties were tricked to sign a declaration on anti semitism that just happened to also declare anti Israel stances as such. The hypocrisy is not without cost and it is showing when you have people who are not in on the pro Israel hivemind. No eurocentric method of tackling this will work, there are many with anti-semitic views because of the conflict that are ignorant on this subject and influenced by conspiracy theories etc. I think the thought of EVEN MORE WWII milking solving this is showing a lack of understanding on the problem at hand. You can't shame people into being pro-Israel because Europe shat on the Jewish community for centuries ending in genocide and felt bad about it. This target group does not feel responsible for that and WWII is being milked enough, especially in the superficial way (no political analysis). So teach the existence of legitimate positions (critical on Israel but not on Jews as a people) so people can actually move into them. Edit: and even I am now just focusing on the migrants, I was the only brown guy in class and it was the white Dutch kids that came with the Jew jokes and Holocaust mockery.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/ixTzr