Title: Why is it still acceptable to refer to woman as b****** in hip hop music?
Reason: User Banned (2 Days): Thread whining. Insulting other users.
Can't believe this thread is still going strong at 15 pages. Bunch of whiny fuckin' bitches in these parts. Seriously. I've never seen a group of people over-analyze, dissect, and generally just beat a topic to death more than I have in this thread. Seriously, if you don't like the word 'bitch', then just don't freakin' use it. But in the real world, people DO use words that other people might find offensive and we all have to deal with that as grown adults. So an artist calls a woman a bitch in a song. Big deal. There are bigger things to worry about in the world than offensive words.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/9TSpx