Title: The Verge: The Xbox One is the best console if you don’t care about exclusive new games
Reason: User Warned: Console Warring
LOL! Sony exclusives (I mean 'games') are being so overhyped in this thread. Honestly don't know anyone with a PS4 that is obsessed with their precious exclusives as any rando is pretending to be in this thread - to the point where it's literally unbelievable blasphemy that anyone would care. Then the the fact that games generally look and perform better on XB1X is met with 'meh, I don't notice a difference' or 'well, that's only 90% of the games', 'Cool, you have a shiny piece of hardware with no exclusives - what's the point?'. It's like questioning why somebody would buy a 4K TV if they're not going to watch big-budget mainstream action movies. 'Most stuff may look better, sure - but if you're not gonna watch Fast Five, what's the point?' Gimme a break.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/SoOsa