Title: Shenmue I & II Remaster (2018; PC/PS4/XB1 - $29.99)
Reason: Member has been warned: arguing in bad faith. Ignoring posters on purpose.
CRT TVs didn't display square pixel images as they don't have pixels to begin with. They are analogue devices which paint an image on a phosphor coating with electron beams. That's the point. It was designed with full knowledge that the watch won't be round. They were constantly checking how the game is going to look on CRT TVs on which people would typically play it on. You are wrong by assuming this game was made with capturing devices and PC square pixels in mind. It's like you people don't understand the basic fact: the game is supposed to look the way it does on CRT TVs, which is with the black bars on the left and right. However, they might not be visible on a given CRT TV due to its overscan adjustments. This was actually a feature back in the day because CRT TVs would shift image and/or crop it due to random settings at factories. Those adjustments were made roughly and each manufacturer could deviate from the PAL and NTSC standards in terms of image centering and overscan percentage. In other words, the watch in Shenmue would be oval on CRT TVs of the era, not round. Just like the Metroid ball is not round on real NES hardware and CRT TVs. This is all a part of the SD gaming legacy and you people stretch it to meet PC standards of the modern day. Don't you see the fundamental problem here?
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/TeXvX