Title: Broadly: 100 Ways White People Can Make Life Less Frustrating For People of Color
Reason: User warned: please do not use "retarded" as a slur, it is not allowed here
Ok, I will comment some of them for you guys. I have come across many instances where fingers were pointed and it did not have the slightest of racism. I have my own thought and mind, and I will assess the situation as I care. If I tell someone that I am Egyptian and they reply that they went to Morroco once, then why would I be mad? I would more than love to talk about his experiences and undergo similarities and differences. Well, I am not retarded. Now, the list is a guide targeted towards whites, right? So again, the writer assumes that most whites are below the normal intelligence range? ok. I will use them and laugh at them as I please, so no. I love the weeknd as much as I love Arctic Monkeys, but I think this is pretty much subjective and has nothign to do with racism. And it is not the place of POC either, let light-skinned identify themselves as they wish. Of course, I can and I will. I have my own opinion, and if we disagree that's fine. Ok sure, will d.... "22. Share articles relating to the everyday experiences of race and racism written by people of color."... What.... I will watch anything I liked, and I will not force myself through a show if its bad, just for the sake of the director being POC. I will never call a person exotic, but I am sure as hell can feel if a person is exotic to me. Let us look what exotic means: "of foreign origin or character; not native;" If I met someone from Japan, I would die to have a conversation with them and learn about cultural differences. What role would a POC be better at than a non-POC? And no, I will apply for that position myself if Its one I want. lolno. Should I also refuse to speak at the black panther panel because they are all POC? What? I haven't seen get out, but god damn, I bet my life savings, that shit does not happend to every POC, everyday. Come one. GTFO Now, this is an interesting topic. I believe NO-ONE, should use that word, and I was close to making a thread for this after watching dear-white-people. I don't believe in being white gives you access to stuff that others cant. I experience racism quite often. There you go. There was some of them. I have only taken the most important ones. Many of the others are just bollocks.
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