Title: rock isnt dead yet.
Reason: User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory generalizations, hostile behaviour, long history of infractions for the same behaviour
So let’s talk about logical fallacies. First you make an accusation that I “don’t engage with the scene” - which is not only false, but completely irrelevant to the argument. Next, my argument being that the entire scene is a toxic shithole. I don’t want to list out every single example of how bad the metal scene is now, because honestly I’d have a novel. It’s not just a few bad guys, it’s the entire damn scene. If some indie rock band or punk band is accused of shitty things, the fans disown them, the label drops them etc. Look what happened to Brand New for example. Meanwhile just for existing as gay or trans in a metal band gets you death threats on a huge scale. Just for calling attention to the massive neo Nazi apologism going on now in metal gets huge defenses from the scene. They would rather protect neo nazis, homophobes, racists, bigots than see their favorite bands get called out. The only time a band actually gets disowned by the fans is when the opposite happens - when said band calls out the alt right or neo nazis. Machine Head did this, and their album sales went down dramatically, they get death threats and have to hire security, they get doxed. Take your no true Scotsman fallacy out of here because it’s bullshit. To be clear, I’m not saying the majority of metal fans are nazis or pedopholes - but the majority of metal fans DEFEND musicians and bands who are these things. That’s unquestionable. I’d also allege the majority of bands at best, have engaged in blatant bigoted slurs in their career. Everyone from Guns & Roses to Zakk Wylde to Darkthrone has said something gross about Jews or gays. And again, that’s discounting the neo nazis in bands. Also this “you’re not one of us” gatekeeping shit isn’t going to work with me. It’s dumb and yet another reason why the metal scene is a pile of shit. Firstly, I’m not just talking about comment sections. Secondly, those sites don’t have unmoderated comment sections. They actually have dedicated mods. That’s actually a testimony to how bad shit is. If you read my post, I use MS as an example of a blog that called out a specific band and got doxed, raided with anti jewish slurs, sent threats, and had an attempt at being de listed from Facebook. I should also mention that I said nothing about my opinion on that site as a whole - which is that they’re a blog and those guys make dick and fart jokes and aren’t journalists. So not only is your comment now extremely suspicious to me that you think that’s a valid response for the aforementioned abuse that the writers should get for calling out Nazi bands because of their “journalism” but I also think you don’t understand what journalism is either. And unlike you, I’m drawing my conclusions from the content of your post, I’m not trying to pull some gatekeeping fallacy out of my ass because I’m triggered from having my precious and shitty scene called out for harboring nazis and pedos. It has everything to do with the alt right. There are tons of direct correlations between the election of Trump and right wing populism’s “race realist” identity. Trump being elected and the rise of the alt right and the normalization of this behavior. It just so happens that a lot of these people love metal. What a shocker. Well I definitely try not to support developers or places etc that align with gamergate. Certainly there was a time when video games were at a critical mass in terms of toxicity, but I think most games are trying to address things like diversity, representation, etc and are trying to shave away toxicity. Let’s put it this way though, I’ve yet to see developers who are outright nazis, pedophiles, bigots, etc that get massive defenses from the community. Even something like Kingdom Come Deliverance, which certainly does have its defenders - that’s over representation. The director of the game doesn’t have photos of him seig heiling or shouting “white power” etc. Oh and funny enough - there’s a huge cross section of gamer gators that are metal fans - in fact this is an ongoing thing for a while. Milo himself has talked about how metal should be more alt right, YouTube personalities who made their names as gamergators constantly putting out disgusting videos about Anita and Zoe Quinn are all huge metal dorks. What a funny coincidence Feel free to continue to make logically bankrupt comments like these at the expense of your trash scene, I hope it all crumbles to the ground over the weight of people on the outside recognizing it as music for losers and bigots.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/threads/rock-isnt-dead-yet.37645/page-4#post-7175842
Archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20180510212357/https://www.resetera.com/threads/rock-isnt-dead-yet.37645/page-4
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/NpgfE