Title: 3DS Homebrew for GBA, should i? Is there a risk?
Reason: User Warned: Advocating piracy.
To clear things up first, im really not going forward yet to get that done. Its something im considering, cause i want GBA games injections, and since there is no way to get GBA games on portable ( other to find a lucky shot a good gba sp used, and also find the games ). I would throw my money to simply get the ambassador program for some GBA on my New 2DS XL, or simple being able to purchase them on the eshop. Oh and there are these gba clone like the revo k101, but im not sure it can do the same job as GBA inject. So i came to the conclution that the only possible way is to mod my 3DS, but im worried. Can i get banned? I dont want my account blacklisted. And once homebrew is installed and you put your games in there, can homebrew get deleted and the gba inject still works? ( like i dont want to have access of the free game shop, i wouldnt feel personaly honest of getting game like without paying... ok yes, the gba are not paid, but getting recent games , it would cross a line i dont find acceptable ). Only thing i want to get done in my system is gba inject. So, is it worth it? Some people are offering this service for a fee, and im considering it.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/threads/3ds-homebrew-for-gba-should-i-is-there-a-risk.38654/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/IPzPu