Title: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 shipped 1.31 million units. Best-selling "Xeno" title ever?
Reason: User Warned: Don't peddle conspiracy theories on the forum.
Thats... debatable, we have no idea how much the first Xenoblade sold, as in the region it sold the most in, gamestop fudged the shipment numbers after the first shipment so they could sell 'used' games at 90 dollars a pop instead of new games at 60. The game was so hard to find, and thought for so long to not even be coming stateside, it's piracy rate of well over a million puts it in the category of one of the most pirated games of all time, at a quarter of modern warfare 2 at the top of the list, which sits at 4 million. Anyone want to compare popularity levels behind one of the biggest call of dutys and a Japanese rpg on 'The fucking two gamecube duct taped together' system? As for the sales, Whether or not that is actually impressive depends on what the numbers are. A game that sells 10 copies sold 10x more than it's predecessor that only sold one, but that' not really worth much. Of course there isn't a single person at Nintendo who has any idea what Xonoblade could be selling. There wasnt a single person working at Nintendo who had any idea what xenoblade was, what they had, or who expected Xenoblade to ever sell period with the first game. It's almost like we had to have an entire campaign calling Nintendo out on their clueless out of touch shit to even get the game, And Nintendo being complete fuckups left money all over the table. It's hilarious that the whole reason anyone, ANYONE in na can even be a fan of xenoblade in the first place is because of people not being corporate worshippers, and pointing out Nintendo dropped the ball.... And then you look at this. Nintendo just xenobladed again.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/7jc5A