Title: Dog attacks commuter on NYC subway
Reason: User Warned: Attempting to shut down discussion through false equivalence.
I mean this is all irrelevant anyway since I'm not talking about a dog on a subway that hasn't aggressed against anything vs. a human on a subway that hasn't aggressed against anything as you probably shouldn't be killing either. I just don't see the point of bringing it up about humans killing humans on subways because there are a fuck ton of humans on subways. There is no data on the rate of dog attacks vs the rate of human attacks on subways. It's just that I don't want to hear about your woes about the moral compass of people on the forum as you probably suckle on the teat of the animal agriculture industry. You contribute to the demand for animals to be killed, so you kill animals. You would never make this "farmed, processed and sold to me" argument for child porn, or at least I hope you wouldn't. Pitbulls are definitely more likely to be dangerous, it's just that people's solutions of extermination don't make a lot of sense when there's not a good causal link between the breed and the rate of attacks, at least that I know of.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/threads/dog-attacks-commuter-on-nyc-subway.38797/page-8#post-7259182
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/w2nCQ