Title: Microsoft: Xbox One is the “Highest-Engagement Console” in the Market; Explains Strategy for Gaming
Reason: User Warned: Platform warring.
Sony is absolutely obliterating this generation, especially as of late and with games like Last of Us 2, Spiderman, Ghosts of Tsushima and Death Stranding hitting in the next two years (hopefully) I see zero reason to own an Xbox console. The sheer amount of high quality games coming out of Sony Worldwide studios is a testament to how engaged Sony is in the gaming business and truly cares. The difference between Sony and Microsoft are the size of the companies and what their golden egg's really are. The Xbox division is a small arm of a giant that is M$ and their primary focus is the business/services that make them the most money. Sony's gaming division is a huge portion of their profit pie and we can all see how much involved and engaged in talent they truly are. While I sound like a fanboy but I literally cannot imagine a future without Sony ip's and wish I could say the same for the xbox platform. It's the same with Nintendo, just like Sony, the two companies seem to have a "soul" and charm that M$ is lacking.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/VVJF3