Title: Microsoft needs to "invest in teams, empower them creatively, and give them time"- Phil Spencer
Reason: User Warned: Personal attack. Please be respectful and polite when posting in threads.
LOL only here do I come across such weirdo fanboys, I love it. Your life must be cool when it comprises getting worked up over someone 'dissing' Playstation. Did the PS gamer get his feelings hurt? No, I didn't forget those games you half wit. You don't seem to be able to understand the point of the post. That first party games this generation for Sony is much better, not that there were no good first party games last gen. Which is why I choose certain games to prove this point. Do you actually think first party games for Sony were better last generation? At the very least you should be useful enough to have a point, as stupid as it might be.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/w9opr