Title: Simpsons creator Matt Groening on Apu: 'People love to pretend they're offended'
Reason: User Banned (1 day): Broad generalization about other cultures. Handwaving criticism from an Indian American on Indian American issues. Previously warned for the same infraction.
I don't like to generalize, but this is mostly a situation I have seen in the US. Seriously... people in the US gets offended by everything... and what's worse is that they like to get offended in behalf of other countries/persons. I don't get offended by the Bumblebee Man... in fact, all the people in Mexico I know likes him. The outrage you read on the internet are mostly white privileged americans with no real problems, trying to get involved in something. And I get... I appreciate the act. But seriously, none of that is offensive for the rest of the world. In fact, we wish to have those kind of problems.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/RBQAj