Title: Simpsons creator Matt Groening on Apu: 'People love to pretend they're offended'
Reason: Member has been banned (1 month): thread derail + thread whining. You do not get to dictate what people from the US should care about - especially when it comes to a US TV show. History of multiple warnings and bans.
I am interested in the outrage surrounding Apu and why in gods name in America ( because this only concerns the US ) people would focus on some shit like this when there are wayyy bigger fish to fry. The US is all sorts of fucked up in every way, and especially concerning racial treatment of minors. In my eyes this whole thing about Apu is offensive! comes off across like focussing on the totally wrong things in your society. I have zero interest in watching a documentary because racial issues always grip me and have quite a big impact on how I feel about the world and people as a whole. I have no interest in going out and start looking for inequality, that would make me sad. But from an outsider perspective, this seems like the wrong thing to focus on. The US has so many problems with racial treatment, PoC often get treated so unfairly. I feel that Apu is just a minor drop in a bucket if you catch mt drift. Now I hope you finally understand me damn.
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/oN6jT