Title: With girls joining the ranks, Boy Scouts plan a name change
Reason: User banned (5 days): arguing in bad faith to push "political correctness" narratives and sexist rhetoric
I am not furious, it's just my opinion. I think it should work both ways. To be clear I know nothing about the boys scouts or what they do or what they stand for. I just know that for whatever reason it now seems acceptable to attack all things "boys only". It doesn't go both ways. Imagine for a minute that boys wanted to play girls sports, be in the girl scouts, etc...What kind of backlash would that get? It is ok to have things for girls only and boys only. Like I said I have kids, 3 boys and I want them doing some stuff that is just for boys sometimes. They play boys baseball, basketball and it is very competitive and teaches them a lot. With some things it needs to be split by gender. That is perfectly all right but it is no longer "politically correct" to say so. It's ridiculous
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Vuk1a