published on

Dr Wily (7608524)

Title: Hawaii Lootbox Legislation Update - 3 Bills, 0 Passed

Reason: User Warned: Hostility + Arguing in Bad Faith

or succinctly, and, oh, look what specific hobby relevant to this board is cited as a well known example. But people are not buying lootbox games for the purpose of lootboxes. They are buying games for the purpose of them being games; lootboxes are - oh, would you look at that? - a method of retaining engagement. Why do games - such as critical darling Resident Evil 4 - have adaptive difficulties if the purpose of a game is to force learning? To take your claim at face value, Flappy Bird is a more ethical game than Resident Evil 4 which is solely a cash grab due to adaptive difficulty. Oh, PS4s and games are free now? All that money they spend on marketing to ensure they maximise day one revenue seems a waste then.

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