Title: Is "too difficult" an invalid complaint?
Reason: User Banned (Pending Review): Persistent bad faith argument. Ignoring moderation guideline.
I'll 'move on' directly to talking to the administrators about how you object to accessibility. Failing a resolution on that front, I will abandon this dump, the offshoot of one of the worst sites on the internet. There is a difference the size of the universe between not liking a work on grounds of aesthetics and being purposefully excluded for no valid reason - there is no reason that the gameplay systems have to apply challenge unevenly. It is possible for all parties to get what they are looking for with relatively minor changes to the title, a toggle in a menu and a handful of different 'rules'. And no, it's not that they are unfortunately excluded. You are advocating in favor of that, because you see it as impossible for things to be better. But people know better, and they expect better.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/threads/is-too-difficult-an-invalid-complaint.40799/page-9#post-7620767
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/G4zkm