Title: God Of War And The Importance Of Console Exclusives (The Jimquisition) - SPOILERS in video
Reason: User Banned (1 week): Thread derail, fanboyism rhetoric, history of accumulated infractions.
Gaming in 2018 is just software written in mostly C and C++ or even higher level languages that could basically run on any modern device. The fact that Doom 2016 exists on the Switch proves that. You could make God of War on the Switch hardware with some concessions without losing what the game is. Hardware is not a big deal anymore. It's basically a little faster or slower. Sure, tell me that Nintendo games are somehow more special because you're touching a specific plastic controller when playing them or that they only look right when you look at whichever panel Nintendo chose for it (even though Nintendo has no problem picking whichever type of panel they can get cheapest at the time), and tell me that I can't truly appreciate an album unless I listen to it on vinyl. Playing games on Nintendo's hardware sounds "warmer," right?
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Kcymr