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GaimeGuy (7688929)

Title: U.S. violates JCPOA; Trump withdraws from Iran nuclear deal & reimposes economic sanctions (UPDATE)

Reason: User Banned (5 Days): Advocating targeted violence.

The only thing that would work on republicans is mass targeted violence against them and their families. I'm convinced that fear for their physical well being is the only thing that would get through to them. That's how far their higher order thinking has deteriorated. That's how little they care. Protest? They dismiss it all as fake. They are evil. I call my GOP rep every week. Not once have I gotten a sincere response that addressedthe points I raised, no matter how firmly I present and limit the topic of discussion. And they've been this way for as long as I can remember, in my 30 years on this earth. They don't care. They never have

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