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DanarchyReigns (7713494)

Title: Are Political Defeatists on Era just secret Trump Supporters?

Reason: User Warned: Please don't make threads for the sake of attempting to label other users

You go into a political thread on here, and you'll often find certain posts that don't really make sense. Like "nothing will come of this" or "this will only increase his approval ratings" or "this is wrong, it's only going to be four more years of Trump" or "the Blue Wave is dead now..." What seems like defeatism is sounding more and more like back-handed Trump support. Like people from other forums are coming in and trying to cause discourse. They know the usual "MAGA DRAIN THE SWAP LIBTARD CUCKS" method won't work here so they're "hiding it". The same way the "alt-right" hides their bigoted Nazi beliefs with double-speak. These people often show up when an outlier poll showing the Dems going down appears, or all that crap about Trump getting the Nobel Peace Prize. Am I just being paranoid and worried from the recent news? I don't want to die in nukes...

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