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chanunnaki (7714539)

Title: Sony taking 22% cut from charity Overwatch skin (Developing, Read OP)

Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory Derail + Promoting conspiratorial medical advice

To be honest, I personally do not donate to cancer research even though my own father passed away from cancer. Through my research, I have found that a vast, vast majority of charitable donations to cancer research goes towards salaries, and (most importantly) diagnosis methods and equipment, rather than cure or prevention. This is not a health forum, (obviously), but there is very strong links between Breast Cancer and iodine deficiency. One needs the correct type of iodine (Lugol's Solution is often cited as being the best). There are many reports of women painting the iodine on their breasts and the cancer reducing or going away completely. Obviously, do your own research. There are many, many, many positive health benefits to iodine. People raising pitch-forks against Sony: I personally find it distasteful using 'Charitable Donation' to promote goods and products. With the amount of money these corporations are making, they could help propagate the idea of real health and not this culture of mass-medication. I sometimes find people make donations to charities to ease their own conscience, to make them feel like they're contributing something or helping the cause in some way. I, myself was like this in the past. But the best way is to educate yourself and then educate people close to you.

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