Title: Napping in your common room while black
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Tone-policing reactions to racism
No, I don't think those are the only places with police issues, but I do think there's an important qualitative difference between them and Yale University. I expect better of Yale. Similarly, are those three instances literally all of the campus police brutality in existence? Presumably not, but even still it's telling that of the best examples you can find, one's clearly not racially motivated and another is unnecessary roughness but falls well short of fatal injuries. Yet here you are, accusing me of idiocy, when half the first page of the thread is expressing support for the sentiment that "some of these white folks are actively tryna get us killed." Good job.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7745731/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Ua4IM